You can now import a swagger file and consume REST web services even more easily. You can do it in one of three ways: manually add a single method; automatically add all methods from a REST swagger URL; automatically add all methods from a REST swagger file in your local filesystem.
By: John Alvin Salamat -Technical Architect at OutSystems I recently came across a challenge of how we are going to manage concurrent releases given limited environments. Imagine that there’s development ongoing for Release A and while development is still on-going, there will be new …
Quickly translate your texts to any target language and get alternatives to each word with the new Language Analysis features. Just select the source and target languages, and the component takes care of everything else!
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About PWA (or PWAs in a nutshell for the Business) New technologies, concepts, languages and tools are constantly being created in the IT world. How many times do we hear developers talking about new and different ways to create apps and trying to convince their organization to adopt these
Architecture Dashboard: New Reports Filters In the latest version, there’s a streamlined register and setup process. We’ve also improved the Reports filters, and you can now find debt specifically in the apps you develop or issues introduced by others. Architecture Dashboard is designed to enable developers of the infrastructure to continually validate development outputs, understand
Join us as for this online user group as Justin James, OutSystems MVP and Chief Architect at Cloud Development Resources, walks us through the changes to the processing model that comes with Reactive Web Applications, and how to ensure your apps are secure.