By combining OutSystems and Ionic, developers can take advantage of the strengths of both platforms to create mobile apps that are both powerful and efficient.
Are you facing a limited budget, #developer shortage and significant #app #backlog? Learn how @LCPSOfficial overcame these challenges by switching from traditional development to high-performance #lowcode.
In this episode, I will build an OutSystems Progressive Web Application from start to finish using OutSystems Service Studio. PWAs take advantage of the latest technologies to combine the best of web and mobile apps. For those of you who develop on both mobile and web, you’ll appreciate that a PWA can be built in
Adding a QR Code Scanner to a Mobile Application - In this episode I will show you how to download and install a QR Code Forge component from the OutSystems Forge. Then we will use that Forge component to add QR scanning capabilities to our mobile application.
In this episode we will start with the data that we have used in the previous videos and build a mobile application that displays products from the database. Lear to build screens, use templates, manage data, and preview your mobile application in the browser and on your device.
OutSystems Experience Builder - In this video tutorial we will take a look at OutSystems Experience Builder, the fastest browser based solution for build enterprise mobile applications. In just moments you can build a front-end foundation for a mobile app with multiple screens and screen flows.
Architecture Dashboard provides insights on code quality and performance. You can take full advantage of Architecture Dashboard findings by making sure that your architecture is correctly classified. To do so, enable AI auto-classification of module layers at every sync.
At OutSystems, we’re on a mission to remove the complexity of software development while raising its quality. Our customers meet their business needs in a fraction of the time it would take them with traditional development methods. Last year we had made available to a number of customers a new way of distributing mobile apps,
Can you notice the differences? The left version is what we showed you in NextStep 2018, and on the right side you have the version that is currently in Service Studio.
Nowadays, from business to consumer, every eye is on customer experience. The reason is simple. Customer experience has become a decisive factor in gaining and retaining customers. In fact, according to a PwC survey, consumers are willing to pay up to 16% more for better customer experience.