Create apps faster with Mentor! Unveiled at the ONE Conference in Amsterdam, Mentor is a first-of-its-kind digital worker that transforms the software development lifecycle by enabling app generation, delivery, and monitoring with ease. Powered by #GenerativeAI, Mentor helps you build #FullStack apps in minutes, from natural language or requirement documents, while maintaining app security, quality,
Deployment. It's something we all have to do, but it's not really the fun part of app development. Building native app packages often requires specially configured machines, and a lot of know-how, and while OutSystems Mobile App Build Service (MABS) makes this easier, ...
What do you do when your boss sends you a stepper motor and a part from a cheap cereal/snack dispenser? Build an AI-powered IoT Candy Dispenser, of course!
In this how-to video, we'll take a look at the parts that go into this off-beat use of OutSystems, from the Arduino-programmable IoT board that controls a stepper
On this video we talk about how we can debug extensions. We go through 2 scenarios, debugging an extension by creating a new console project and the other one will be by using the audit capabilities of the platform to set a log message in service center general log.
In this tutorial we are going to check the key differences between a traditional web application and a reactive web application. Traditional Web Apps vs Reactive Web Apps (OutSystems)
REST services are very useful (and super easy to integrate in your OutSystems apps). In this OutSystems video tutorial, learn how to manage any HTTP error returns from REST services. OutSystems Video Tutorial
Create sliders that are totally adjusted to your needs. The slider widget is easily customizable and you can get started very quickly, learn how in this video. OutSystems Video Tutorial
What do you do when your boss sends you a stepper motor and a part from a cheap cereal/snack dispenser? Build an AI-powered IoT Candy Dispenser, of course! In this how-to video, we’ll take a look at the parts that go into this off-beat use of OutSystems, from the Arduino-programmable IoT board that controls a