Month: May 2020

OutPower Tutorial – Extension Debug (OutSystems)

On this video we talk about how we can debug extensions. We go through 2 scenarios, debugging an extension by creating a new console project and the other one will be by using the audit capabilities of the platform to set a log message in service center general log.

OutSystems: Exception Handling Standards

Why a good Exception handling matters? Because bad, misleading error messages or invisible errors aren’t doing any good to anyone. Users are misled, maintenance guys don’t know where to look. You can see the big picture.

OutSystems Appoints New Board Member Kara Wilson

OutSystems, the global leader in low-code application development, today announced that Kara Wilson, strategic advisor for KKR within the technology practice, has joined its board of directors. This announcement comes at a time when global crisis is pushing digital transformation to the forefront for every company, with worldwide digital transformation technology investments expected to total